We, (Restoration Logistics) present the following offer to do work as an amendment to any existing contract for services in place for this project and based upon observed damage at the time the estimate was written. The estimate is valid for work begun within 30 days of the estimate date, except as noted below or in the original Contract for Services. In the event work does not commence within the 30 day time period, it may become necessary to re-price the estimate. If the price increases as a result of the re-pricing, the new price is valid for 30 days. Work outlined has been proposed using available current restoration industry practice, methods and customary construction practices. Any substantial additions and/or deletions in the work outlined will be brought to the attention of the owner(s), owner(s) agent, or responsible party (hereafter referred to as “owner”) for written approval to proceed. Any such additions or deletions shall be approved under the terms of the original agreement, specifically the section titled “Additional Work” in the Contract for Services’ terms and conditions, unless specified in writing. No guarantees are expressed or implied to attain any specific level of pathogen or allergen counts as a result of any work specified or anticipated to be completed in association with this project, unless stated in writing. While we may have described a range of actions that might be taken during our discussions with you, we do not represent ourselves as competent to evaluate any pre- or post- project microbiological contamination levels, consequences of any exposure or the efficacy of any method suggested. We suggest that this be established with the participation of a competent third party evaluator, if deemed appropriate by the owner.
All workmanship shall conform to the guidelines found in the publication Residential Construction Performance Guidelines for Professional Builders and Remodelers, Fifth Edition, National Association of Home Builders. If an item is not covered in that publication, standard industry practice shall govern. This may include the dispute resolution process as specified in the contract documents or by applicable laws. While RL is responsible to complete the work outlined in a manner consistent to a standard widely accepted as appropriate for a competent restoration contractor, you hereby agree to hold RL harmless for any actual or perceived omissions in the scope. Scope of work is ultimately the responsibility of the property owner.
Unit and hourly pricing for any additions or changes from this estimate will be consistent with the pricing database used to develop this estimate. Changes in specifications requiring additional work will entail payment by owner of all additional direct and indirect costs plus overhead and profit allowances, but will not delay payment for work as originally contracted.
Allowances shown for overhead and profit may not accurately reflect all indirect costs associated with any project. Change orders may be undertaken with written approval from responsible party at discretion of contractor, unless otherwise prohibited. The terms cost, all cost, overhead and profit are not precise and may be used interchangeably. Allowances shown for overhead and profit may not accurately reflect all indirect costs associated with any project. Any allowances or components of allowances represented in any individual line item may not accurately reflect all direct or indirect costs, etc. associated with that line item. Our understanding is that many terms, particularly the terms overhead and profit, as used in insurance settlement do not follow any generally accepted accounting practice.
Supplied materials are charged at retail, may not reflect all available discounts to the contractor and may include mark-up to reflect costs associated with handling. Subcontracted services may include mark-up and may not reflect all available discounts. Client supplied materials may be marked-up to cover pick-up, transportation, handling, stocking, etc. and are expressly excluded from any warranty extended by Restoration Logistics. Supervision may be shown separately and not be included in hourly production rates.
Please note that project proposals are written and intended to be offered as a package. No individual item is intended to be priced as or is offered to be completed or credited as a stand alone item. As a courtesy, estimates are generally formatted to fit the insurance carrier’s requirements. Any allowances for overhead and profit or any individual item pricing may have no relationship to our actual costs of production. Thus, any change orders written may vary in format and /or allowances shown for overhead and profit from original estimates. We will work with the insurance carrier’s representative to develop a scope of repairs that is acceptable to both the owner and the insurance carrier. We will work from and invoice from the scope and cost estimates that we develop and provide to the owner. We do not work from and are not responsible for variations or descriptions contained in the scope of repairs developed by the insurance carrier’s representative. This estimate is written using a prepackaged computerized database with descriptions that may not entirely or accurately describe conditions presented. Any line item entry should be understood to contain the suffix “or similar, comparable or equivalent” to account for any lack of accuracy inherent in such a system. Due to this standardized formatting, the computer generated descriptions of work to be performed may be imprecise. We make efforts to add language to clarify vagaries inherent in this system as we deem appropriate. Any requirement for additional clarification of descriptions, specifications, allowances or other perceived inadequacies of the scope should be brought to our attention to allow us to provide additional clarification if and as they arise.
Please be advised that while we may cooperate with an insurance carrier, we are not working for an insurance carrier. Our contract is with and we work for the property owner and/or owner’s representative as defined in the OWNER signature block of the contract for services. While we may be called upon to express opinions and to assist in developing a scope of work to complete repairs/restoration, we do not control terms of the insurance policy, we do not decide what is covered and what is not covered by insurance and we do not control dollar amounts paid by the insurance that may be in force. Allowances for deleted items are granted at contractor’s discretion and will not diminish the original provision for overhead and profit. Because of considerations such as set-up and supervisory times, allowances may not be proportional to quantities involved. As the general contractor we may, as a standard practice, place a mechanics lien on property within 90 days of substantial completion of work for any unpaid balances, including interest, to protect our rights under the law. Unless otherwise stated in writing, complete contract and warranty provisions are contained in the original contract for services. Verbal or written approval to proceed constitutes continued acceptance of those provisions. Depending upon size of the project and duration of the work to be completed, progress billings based upon an estimated percentage of work completed may be submitted and will be due and payable upon submission, as outlined in the Contract for Services.
Change Orders/Supplementals: Invoiced and due at time of approval.